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HACCP is designed for organizations that want to use a neutral and competent assessment to demonstrate the conformity of their hygiene management systems, their Good Manufacturing Practice, and their preventive concepts for avoiding health hazards assessed in accordance with Regulation (EC) 852/2004 (Food Hygiene) or other selected reference systems. HACCP is also designed for organizations that commercially manufacture, process, distribute, or place on the market foodstuffs and food contact materials – in particular food industry manufacturers, food retailers, the catering and industrial gastronomy trade, but also their suppliers, such as the manufacturers of packaging materials.

The HACCP concept is based on an existing hygiene concept in compliance with the legal requirements. Its objective is to identify specific consumer health hazards posed especially by food, whether they are of a physical, chemical, or (micro-)biological nature; to appraise the probability of their occurrence; and to specify preventive measures that can be used to avoid these hazards during the production of food, or to reduce them to an acceptable minimum. The risk or rather, hazard analysis needs to be updated regularly, especially when introducing new products or in case of technological changes.

Benefits for your organization:

  • Identification, evaluation, and control of health hazards
  • Evidence of the fulfillment of due diligence requirements
  • Improved consumer protection and consumer confidence
  • Increased product safety and reduced risk of product liability
  • Efficient monitoring of food hazards

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