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FRI stands for Final Random Inspection. It is also called a Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI) or Final Inspection. This Inspection is normally conducted,

At on-site or source where product is manufactured and sometimes at forwarder’s premises.
At the stage when 100% production is completed and at least 80% goods are completely packed in cartons and ready for shipment.
This Inspection is conducted on the standards of internationally recognized ISO2859-1, ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-2008 (Equivalent to MIL-STD-105 E) statistical sampling procedures.

All these inspections are carried out in an accurate and detailed manner by experts who have knowledge of products and inspection techniques. The actual findings during the Inspection are marked in the SACII detailed report and sent to the customer within 24 working hours for their final decision on the shipment.

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